Notes for a Successful Agent Pitch Session

Pitching to an agent can be a very nerve-wracking experience. These people are the front line between you and a publisher. Below are some tips to help you get through the pitch. But, the very first thing to remember is that agents are humans trying to make a buck. Many agents I’ve meet have second jobs to make ends meet. One I know was a house painter, another worked in a restaurant. They don’t make money unless your book makes money, so they are searching for a book they believe can sell. If they don’t accept yours, don’t give up. Keep working. Learn your craft. Get rid of ego around your writing. Ego doesn’t sell books. Once you do this, you’ll be well on your way to publication.

  • Be genuine - lean into who you are as an individual 

  • Say hi, ask the agent a question about their day, and tell them why you chose them for your pitch

  • Concisely communicate your title, word count, genre, target audience, and comps

  • Present your 1-2 sentence concept - tell who we’re rooting for, what they want, what’s standing in their way, and what’s at stake

  • Tell a bit about yourself as it pertains to your project (Example: I spent thirty years working in a firehouse and wanted to write a novel about firefighters)

  • Also, talk about any social accounts or personal marketing experience

  • Allow time for the agent to ask questions about the project

  • Respond to the agent and/give a brief and organized synopsis of essential plot points and main character development

  • Be ready to answer more detailed questions from the agent (could include discussion of theme, POV, setting, character, voice, or anything else the agent asks) 

Self-check prior to your pitch:

  • Who are you pitching, what do they represent, and why did you choose them?

  • Are your pages ready to send?

  • Can you express the following about your novel:  

    • Who are we rooting for?

    • What do they want?

    • What stands in their way?

    • What’s at stake?

    • Do they get what they want or not? 

    • What is our protagonist’s character arc?