What We Do
Our Mission
Mile High Writers’ Workshop provides weekly, small group read-and-critique sessions in a welcoming and supportive environment for writers of all experience levels to give and receive feedback in order to improve their skills with a strategic eye to eventual publication.
“I appreciate the supportive environment and variety of perspectives at the MHWW. The other writers are awesome.”
~Current MHWW member
Unique Format
The biggest difference between our format and many other read-and-critique formats is that everyone reads and critiques every week. This gives every writer a chance to receive feedback from, and give it to, 4-5 other writers every week.
During the session, the first set of readers will read. Then, halfway through workshop, we take a 10 minute break, then the next set of readers will read after the break. We ask that all readers and critiquers stay for both halves of the workshop. This is to ensure that everyone in the group gets the same amount of critique for their work.
Your Read/Critique Time
Readers need to sign up no later than 7:05 p.m. to ensure they have a chance to read. This cut off is due to time constraints for splitting readers up into break-out groups and because missing deadlines is never a good idea for a writer. Everyone can critique.
Readers will have a maximum 15 min. of read time and 5 min. of critique. This total time of 20 minutes ensures we have time for everyone to read within our allotted meeting time. The 15-minute read time includes any exposition about what you're reading, so come prepared. If you're starting in the middle of a complex manuscript it's recommended that you have a short "catch up" prepared. Any minutes not spent reading are added to critique time.
Prepare ten to fifteen (10-15) pages of manuscript formatted material you would like to read and have critiqued. This can be anything--pages from a novel, a short story, poetry, or whatever you're working on. Fiction and non-fiction proliferate in the group, so bring what you would like to workshop. Bringing paper copies is not necessary, but helpful and suggested (at least a couple of them).
Critique time is five minutes plus unspent read time but not exceeding 20 minutes. Each person critiquing will have ~1 min. to share their thoughts. This short response helps focus critique on quick notes on what works and doesn't work. Read more about critiquing on the Critique Guidance page. If all who would like to share first thoughts have done so and time is left for critique, then second comments will be allowed.
*Note: Readers may also bank a “double read” by attending one week without reading and notating on the sign-in form that they are banking time for a double. The following week they will get 40 minutes total time or approximatley 5000 words.
Group Discussion En Lieu of Read/Critique
Members have the option to use their 20 minutes of time to discuss challenges occurring in their work, ideation, process, etc. This is more of an open circle, forum style but will still be timed to ensure everyone has a voice.
Write Room
If you are not yet prepared to read/critique but would like to work within the hive or simply have three (3) free hours to write away from distractions, we have a write-room option for attendees to sit with other writers and write in a hive. Writers in this session are able to talk to each other and ask for help should the need arise.
What We’ve Achieved
Member Rob Samborn has a three book deal with Touchpoint Press, and has published three of four books workshopped with MHWW so far. His book The Swordsman of Venice was the 2022 best novella winner for the American Writing Awards. He has also been a presenter on numerous podcasts and a panelist at a variety of conferences since publication.
Former member Jamie Gehring’s novel Madman in the Woods: Life Next Door to the Unabomber has received national recognition with Jamie appearing in many publications and podcasts including Elle Magazine, the New York Post, and Readers Digest. Jamie workshopped the novel with MHWW prior to publication.
The workshop has also includes talented novelists Karen A. Morrissey with Fisher King: Percival’s Descent and M.L. Grider with his work Bitter Vintage.
Many of our other members have published works of fiction, poetry, memoir and more.
MHWW is a workshop dedicated to diversity and inclusion, which is an ongoing initiative. Writers are groundbreakers, and we realize the necessity to give voice to all communities especially those that have been historically marginalized.
In 2023, we have added a women’s only breakout room one time per month in order to allow women a safe space to share works that may at first be difficult conversation in mixed company.
In 2023, we have also created a write-room dedicated to providing three uninterrupted hours of writing in the company of other writers. We recognize that prioritizing writing time can be difficult and want to carve out that space.
Finally, this year we will lead community chat sessions on a variety of topics related to writing and beginning to provide events focused on bettering our craft from memoir to editing to the art of criticism.